Ethical Crisis from the Perspective of Tehrani Citizens


1 The editor-in-chief of the quarterly magazine "Development of Social Science Education" of the Educational Research and Planning Organization of the Ministry of Education

2 Professor of Sociology, Tehran Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University


Ethical crisis is a situation where the society lacks common rules and norms for organizing the actions and behavior, conflicts, and the weakness of these rules. The question of what and how the ethical crisis and the social factors affecting it is the main problem of this research, which have been done based on theories of Anomie and social disorder. The statistical population of the research is Tehrani citizens aged 18 and above in 2016. A sample of 400 people was selected from this city by multi-stage cluster method. The research method was a survey and the data was collected by questionnaire technique and through interviews, and secondary statistical data was also used. The findings of the research indicate that more than 93% of the respondents have evaluated the ethical situation of the society as critical. The findings show that 6 variables of Perceived inequality, weakness of social controls,dissatisfaction,selfish individualism, weakness of religious orientation and reduction of social participation, explain 71% of the changes in citizens' perception of the ethical crisis.


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