Ethical Considerations Surrounding the Sterilization of Domestic and Stray Animals


Member of the scientific councils Daneshgah Guilan


The practice of sterilizing domestic and stray animals has gained prominence in modern times as a means to control their population and mitigate the growing number of stray animals resulting from the abandonment of domestic pets. However, this practice has sparked ethical debates among scholars in the field of applied ethics, with divergent viewpoints regarding its ethicality.
This research, conducted through a comprehensive review of relevant literature and employing document analysis and library study methods, aims to critically examine the ethical dimensions associated with the sterilization of domestic and stray animals. By scrutinizing the arguments presented by both proponents and critics of this practice, this study seeks to shed light on potential ethical conflicts and propose possible avenues for resolution.
The findings of this study indicate that a thorough reevaluation of the underlying principles of animal sterilization is not only necessary but imperative. Furthermore, practical changes, including lifestyle modifications and the regulation of breeding facilities for domestic animals, should be implemented to address the ethical concerns raised by this practice. Additionally, it is crucial to consider the potential harm inflicted upon animals and carefully navigate the conflicts of interest that arise between human and animal welfare.
By delving into the ethical complexities surrounding the sterilization of domestic and stray animals, this research aims to contribute to the ongoing discourse in the field of applied ethics and foster a deeper understanding of the implications and potential consequences of this practice.


Main Subjects

  1. Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Khaled Barqi (1371 AH). al-Mahasen. Edition Qom: Dar al-Kotob al-Islamiyyah.
  2. Ahmadian, Ebrahim (2019). “Ethical and jurisprudential decision of sterilization of stray dogs”. in:
  3. Benson, John (2012). Environmental Ethics. translated by Mohammad Mehdi Rostami Shahroudi. Tehran: Environmental Protection Organization.
  4. Bentham, Jeremy (1780).the Principles of Morals and Legislation. edited by J. H. Burns & H. L. A. Featuring an introduction by F. Rosen and an interpretive essay by H. L. A. Hart, no. 1.
  5. Botkin, Daniel & Keller, Edward (2003). Environmental Knowledge: Living Planet Earth. translated by Abdul Hossein Vahabzadeh. Mashhad: Jihad University Press.
  6. Bryan J. N., Keeler M. R., Henry C. J., Bryan M. E., Hahn A.W., Caldwell C.W. (2000), “A population study of neutering status as a risk factor for canine prostate cancer”. Prime, Aug 01, 67 (11): 1174-
  7. Case, Alexander, Sanad, Peter H.& Long, Winfried (2004). Environmental Law. translated by Mohammad Hassan Habibi. edition 2. Tehran: Tehran University Press.
  8. Copleston, Frederick (1997). History of Philosophy. translated by Bahauddin Khorramshahi. edition 2. Tehran: Scientific and Cultural Publications and Soroush Publications.
  9. Esmailpour, Mehdi (2017). “Treatment of each stray dog is four hundred thousand tomans”, in:
  10. Hosseini Tehrani, Seyyed Mohammad Hossein (2010).The Treatise on Marriage: Reducing the Population, a Great Impact on the Body of Muslims. edition 4, Tehran: Allameh Tabatabai, Institute of Translation and Publishing of the Course of Islamic Sciences and Education.
  11. Ibnathir (1409 AH). Asad al-Ghaba fi Maarefat al-Sahabe. Beirut: Dar al-Fekr.
  12. Javadi Amoli, Abdullah (2013). Islam and Environment. edited and researched by Abbas Rahimian. 6th edition, Qom: Esra Publishing Center.
  13. Karimiyan Seighalani, Ali (2008). From Abortion to Fall (Ethical research on the phenomenon of abortion). Gilan: Gilan University.
  14. Karimiyan Seighalani, Ali (2012). “Ranking the Moral Dignity of Inhuman Beings”. Ethical Survey, 6 (21): 143-164.
  15. Karimiyan Seiqalani, Ali (2017). “Imam Khomeini's Ontological Basis in Ranking the Creatures of the Infernal World”.The Islamic Kalam Quarterly, 27 (108): 33-51.
  16. Koleini, Mohammad Bin Yaqub (1986). al-Kafi. edition 4. Tehran: Dar al-Kitab al-Islamiyyah.
  17. Majlesi, Mohammad Baqer bin Mohammad Taqi (n. d). Bihar al-Anwar al-Jamaa le dorar Akhbar al-Aemat al-Athar. Tehran: Islamia.
  18. Misbah Yazdi, Mojtabi (2014). Ethical Foundation (A New Method in Teaching Moral Philosophy). edition 10. Qom: Publications of Imam Khomeini Educational and Research Institute.
  19. Moghimi Haji, Abulqasem (2005). “Animal Rights in Islamic Jurisprudence”. Ahl al-Bayt Jurisprudence Promotion Quarterly, 48: 138-195.
  20. Mohseni Dehkalani, Mohammad and Ali Rezanejad (2017). “Analysis of animal-cruelty phenomenon in Iranian jurisprudence and law”. Legal Research Quarterly, 83: 113-136.
  21. Najafi, Muhammad Hasan (1404 AH). Javaher al-Kalam fi Sharh Shari'i al-Islam. Beirut: Dar Ihya al-Tarath al-Arabi.
  22. Nasr, Seyyed Hossein (1980). Islamic thinkers' opinion about nature. Tehran: Kharazmi.
  23. Nasr, Seyyed Hossein (2004). Religion and the System of Nature. translated by Mohammad Hassan Ghafouri. Tehran: Hikmat.
  24. Poeman, Louis.(2005). Environmental Ethics. translated by the group of translators. Tehran: Tehsehan.
  25. PourAbdullah, Kobra (1401). “The Capacity of Cultural Jurisprudence in Solving the Issue of Generation Limitation”. Women and Family Jurisprudence Studies, 4(8): 47-63.
  26. Rahbar, Mahdi (2013). “Imitation and non-possession in divine creation”, comparative jurisprudence, 2 (3): 71-84.
  27. Rawandi, Seyyed Fazlullah (n. d), al-Nawader. Qom: Dar Al-Ketab Foundation.
  28. Regan, Tom (2000).“Utilitarianism, Vegetarianism, and Animal Rights”.Philosophy and Public Affairs, 9 (4): 305-324.
  29. Roshanaei, Ramek (2016). “Why is animal sterilization and castration an unethical act and a clear violation of animal rights?”, Institute of Alternatives to Animal Testing, at:
  30. Sahibi, Mohammad Javad (2004). Religion and Culture Relations in Iranian Society. Tehran: Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance.
  31. Salehi Shami, Muhammad bin Yusuf (1414 AH). Sobol al-Hoda and al-Rashad fi Sirat Khair al-Ebad, research by Adel Ahmad Abd al-Mojood and Ali Muhammad Mawad. Beirut: Dar al-Kotob al-Elmiya.
  32. Shahbazi, Aramesh (2012). “Animal Rights: A Reflection on Theory and Practice”. Public Law Research Quarterly, 14 (36): 27-65.
  33. Sheikh Tusi (1414 AH). al-Amali. Qom: Dar al-Theqafa.
  34. Tuxel, John and Bright, Chris (2017). “Breaking the fabric of the life network”. translated by Abdul Hossein Vahabzadeh. from the collection of articles in the 1998 State of the World book. Mashhad: Academic Jihad Publications.
  37. (Why should pets be sterilized?, 2018)



    1. Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Khaled Barqi (1371 AH). al-Mahasen. Edition Qom: Dar al-Kotob al-Islamiyyah.
    2. Ahmadian, Ebrahim (2019). “Ethical and jurisprudential decision of sterilization of stray dogs”. in:
    3. Benson, John (2012). Environmental Ethics. translated by Mohammad Mehdi Rostami Shahroudi. Tehran: Environmental Protection Organization.
    4. Bentham, Jeremy (1780).the Principles of Morals and Legislation. edited by J. H. Burns & H. L. A. Featuring an introduction by F. Rosen and an interpretive essay by H. L. A. Hart, no. 1.
    5. Botkin, Daniel & Keller, Edward (2003). Environmental Knowledge: Living Planet Earth. translated by Abdul Hossein Vahabzadeh. Mashhad: Jihad University Press.
    6. Bryan J. N., Keeler M. R., Henry C. J., Bryan M. E., Hahn A.W., Caldwell C.W. (2000), “A population study of neutering status as a risk factor for canine prostate cancer”. Prime, Aug 01, 67 (11): 1174-
    7. Case, Alexander, Sanad, Peter H.& Long, Winfried (2004). Environmental Law. translated by Mohammad Hassan Habibi. edition 2. Tehran: Tehran University Press.
    8. Copleston, Frederick (1997). History of Philosophy. translated by Bahauddin Khorramshahi. edition 2. Tehran: Scientific and Cultural Publications and Soroush Publications.
    9. Esmailpour, Mehdi (2017). “Treatment of each stray dog is four hundred thousand tomans”, in:
    10. Hosseini Tehrani, Seyyed Mohammad Hossein (2010).The Treatise on Marriage: Reducing the Population, a Great Impact on the Body of Muslims. edition 4, Tehran: Allameh Tabatabai, Institute of Translation and Publishing of the Course of Islamic Sciences and Education.
    11. Ibnathir (1409 AH). Asad al-Ghaba fi Maarefat al-Sahabe. Beirut: Dar al-Fekr.
    12. Javadi Amoli, Abdullah (2013). Islam and Environment. edited and researched by Abbas Rahimian. 6th edition, Qom: Esra Publishing Center.
    13. Karimiyan Seighalani, Ali (2008). From Abortion to Fall (Ethical research on the phenomenon of abortion). Gilan: Gilan University.
    14. Karimiyan Seighalani, Ali (2012). “Ranking the Moral Dignity of Inhuman Beings”. Ethical Survey, 6 (21): 143-164.
    15. Karimiyan Seiqalani, Ali (2017). “Imam Khomeini's Ontological Basis in Ranking the Creatures of the Infernal World”.The Islamic Kalam Quarterly, 27 (108): 33-51.
    16. Koleini, Mohammad Bin Yaqub (1986). al-Kafi. edition 4. Tehran: Dar al-Kitab al-Islamiyyah.
    17. Majlesi, Mohammad Baqer bin Mohammad Taqi (n. d). Bihar al-Anwar al-Jamaa le dorar Akhbar al-Aemat al-Athar. Tehran: Islamia.
    18. Misbah Yazdi, Mojtabi (2014). Ethical Foundation (A New Method in Teaching Moral Philosophy). edition 10. Qom: Publications of Imam Khomeini Educational and Research Institute.
    19. Moghimi Haji, Abulqasem (2005). “Animal Rights in Islamic Jurisprudence”. Ahl al-Bayt Jurisprudence Promotion Quarterly, 48: 138-195.
    20. Mohseni Dehkalani, Mohammad and Ali Rezanejad (2017). “Analysis of animal-cruelty phenomenon in Iranian jurisprudence and law”. Legal Research Quarterly, 83: 113-136.
    21. Najafi, Muhammad Hasan (1404 AH). Javaher al-Kalam fi Sharh Shari'i al-Islam. Beirut: Dar Ihya al-Tarath al-Arabi.
    22. Nasr, Seyyed Hossein (1980). Islamic thinkers' opinion about nature. Tehran: Kharazmi.
    23. Nasr, Seyyed Hossein (2004). Religion and the System of Nature. translated by Mohammad Hassan Ghafouri. Tehran: Hikmat.
    24. Poeman, Louis.(2005). Environmental Ethics. translated by the group of translators. Tehran: Tehsehan.
    25. PourAbdullah, Kobra (1401). “The Capacity of Cultural Jurisprudence in Solving the Issue of Generation Limitation”. Women and Family Jurisprudence Studies, 4(8): 47-63.
    26. Rahbar, Mahdi (2013). “Imitation and non-possession in divine creation”, comparative jurisprudence, 2 (3): 71-84.
    27. Rawandi, Seyyed Fazlullah (n. d), al-Nawader. Qom: Dar Al-Ketab Foundation.
    28. Regan, Tom (2000).“Utilitarianism, Vegetarianism, and Animal Rights”.Philosophy and Public Affairs, 9 (4): 305-324.
    29. Roshanaei, Ramek (2016). “Why is animal sterilization and castration an unethical act and a clear violation of animal rights?”, Institute of Alternatives to Animal Testing, at:
    30. Sahibi, Mohammad Javad (2004). Religion and Culture Relations in Iranian Society. Tehran: Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance.
    31. Salehi Shami, Muhammad bin Yusuf (1414 AH). Sobol al-Hoda and al-Rashad fi Sirat Khair al-Ebad, research by Adel Ahmad Abd al-Mojood and Ali Muhammad Mawad. Beirut: Dar al-Kotob al-Elmiya.
    32. Shahbazi, Aramesh (2012). “Animal Rights: A Reflection on Theory and Practice”. Public Law Research Quarterly, 14 (36): 27-65.
    33. Sheikh Tusi (1414 AH). al-Amali. Qom: Dar al-Theqafa.
    34. Tuxel, John and Bright, Chris (2017). “Breaking the fabric of the life network”. translated by Abdul Hossein Vahabzadeh. from the collection of articles in the 1998 State of the World book. Mashhad: Academic Jihad Publications.
    37. (Why should pets be sterilized?, 2018)