The dominant approach to research in the field of ethics in sports


1 PhD student of sports management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran

2 Professor of Sports Management, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran


The aim of the current research was to identify the predominant research approach in the field of ethics in sports with an emphasis on sports in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The research method is using thematic analysis method. Also, the data required for the research has been obtained from all articles, treatises and scientific-research theses in the field of ethics in sports. In order to confirm and transferability of the research, the results and findings of the research were given to four sports science professors and its internal and external validity was confirmed. In order to ensure the consistency or quality of the research, the method of data analysis was given to two referees in the field of sports ethics and was approved. The results showed that 55 basic concepts or codes, 13 sub-themes and 5 main topics of organizational ethics, research ethics, sports ethics, economic ethics and media ethics are concentrated in the dominant discourse of ethics in sports. In addition, organizational ethics, legal ethics, ethics of human forces active in sports and maintaining and promoting moral values in the organization have been taken into consideration. Political ethics and social ethics were also important aspects of sports ethics. Also, the prevention of financial corruption in sports through the role of the media and increasing media literacy in the field of media and improving their awareness of the content of all types of media are among the results of this research.


Main Subjects


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