Ethical considerations in facing the clergy with emerging spiritualities (Case study: Paulo Coelho flow)


1 Associate Professor, Theology and Philosophy, Imam Sadiq Research Institute, Qom, Iran,

2 Jurisprudence and Principles, Research Institute of Imam Sadiq (AS), Qom, Iran



Due to its social responsibility towards the people of the society, the clergy should look for the socially injured and treat their spiritual pains like a traveling doctor. The main problem that led us to this research is how the clergy morally confronts emerging spiritualities due to the special characteristics of these spiritualities. Facing these spiritualities has two dimensions: religious issue and social issue; The religious issue means that as a preacher of religion, what approach should we take when dealing with people who are attracted to these groups? The social issue also refers to the fact that the new religious and spiritual groups are not in line with the official culture of the society, therefore they usually create conflicts that are manifested especially in families. These struggles and conflicts sometimes even reach the level of the government, official institutions, etc. and find a security aspect. But here we mean harm, social harm, and we mean social harm, social disorder and disruption in social relations. The main question of the current research is, how should the moral encounters of the clergy with emerging spiritualities (with emphasis on Paulo Coelho's movement) be? The research method is descriptive-analytical and based on library sources, and the finding of the research is that the clergy should simultaneously benefit from two positive and negative approaches to face the emerging spiritualities, especially the Paulo Coelho trend.


Main Subjects

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