Psychological components of self-esteem from the perspective of the Holy Quran and hadith sources with comparative approach and emphasis on applied ethics


1 The Center for Developing Interdisciplinary Research of Islamic Teaching and Health Sciences،Department of Islamic Education،School of Medicine،Isfahan University of Medical Sciences، Isfahan،Iran

2 Department of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Kashan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kashan, Iran

3 Department of Quran and Hadith Sciences, Faculty of Theology, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran



Based on the approach of applied ethics, "self-esteem" is a feeling of worth and capability. Since self-respect is the most important gem that God has given to man, and this important feature is given only to the best of creations, and it is one of the differences between man and other creatures, and this moral virtue is the driving force of other virtues in the application of ethics and makes man in doing Ethical programs help, therefore, explaining the components of self-respect in schools of psychology and the teachings of the Quran and Hadith, and finally discovering the psychological components of self-respect based on the Quran and hadith sources with an emphasis on practical ethics, is a suitable ground for developing ways to strengthen it. With the Islamic approach, it provides that the strengthening of self-respect with the Islamic approach does not have many disadvantages of the strengthening of self-respect with the secular psychological approach.
This article has analyzed the concept of self-respect with a descriptive-analytical approach from the perspective of schools of psychology and the teachings of the Qur'an and Hadith, in order to discover its psychological components with an emphasis on practical ethics. These components are things such as self-worth and self-respect, self-awareness, feeling happy and prosperous, having a purpose in life, playing a role and making an impact in the social environment, adhering to divine and human principles and standards, and the ability to rely on divine power.


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