An analysis of Allameh Majlesi's ethical theory in the paradigm of normative ethics theories and its practical consequences


1 Banu Mojtahdeh Amin Institute of Higher Education, Isfahan

2 University of Isfahan

3 Associate Professor, Department of Islamic Philosophy and Theology, University of Isfahan



,Ethics is an important matter and a necessary need for all human societies, and so far different ethical theories have been presented by each of the eastern and western thinkers and ethicists. Most of these theories are summarized in the three main theories of dutyism, virtueism and utilitarianism. Islamic thinkers have also paid special attention to this issue and consider the main mission of religion to be the education of human beings in the field of ethics. One of these thinkers is Allameh Mohammad Baqer Majlisi. He has written a lot about ethics. Therefore, the question is raised, what is Allameh Majlesi's moral theory? And what does he consider the criteria for evaluating moral actions? And which of the theories proposed in normative ethics is compatible with his theory?
In response to this question and with a research-analytical approach, by studying Allameh's works, this research came to the conclusion that the most innovative and innovative aspect of his theory is that his moral theory is a unified theory that includes all three main theories in normative ethics. is . At the lowest level, according to nature and a part of human's innate ethics, Allameh considers the criterion of valuing actions to be duty-oriented. At the next level, with the acquisition of human virtues, he introduces virtueism, which,


Main Subjects

  1. کتاب‌نامه

    قرآن کریم.

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