Evaluation of the effectiveness of teaching professional ethics course on religious orientation and academic stress of student of Farhangian university


هیات علمی



The Iranian teacher training system emphasizes the need to include the teacher ethics course in the teacher training curriculum and one of the common courses in all disciplines of Farhangian University is the teacher ethics course with emphasis on Islamic rights and duties. The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of teaching professional ethics on the religious orientation and academic stress of student at Kerman Farhangian University. The research method was quasi-experimental with pre-test-post-test design of the control group. The study population included all students of Kerman Farhangian University in the first semester of 2022. 50 people were selected as the sample by available sampling method and were divided into experimental (n= 25) and control (n= 25) groups accidentally. The experimental group underwent teacher professional ethics training in 8 sessions of 90 minutes and the control group did not receive any intervention. Data collection tools were the religious orientation questionnaire of Sanagouizadeh and Jan Bozorgi (2011) and the academic stress of Sun, Don, Hu and Zhou (2011). Data analysis was performed by descriptive statistics, univariate and multivariate analysis of covariance and SPSS-22 software. The results showed that teacher professional ethics training significantly increased the orientation of religious adherence, decreased the orientation of religious instability and ambivalence and reduced the academic stress of students (P <0.001). The magnitude of this effect based on the amount of


Main Subjects

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