The influence of human ethics and behavior on nutrition, in verses and traditions


1 Department of Islamic Studies, Faculty of Theology, University of Tabriz

2 Professor of Hazrat Masoumeh University, peace be upon her



One of the issues emphasized in Islam is human nutrition, which indicates the deep influence of nutrition on human destiny, physical and mental health, especially his morals and behavior. This research examines the components of the impact of human ethics and behavior on nutrition from the perspective of verses and traditions in order to clarify the type of nutrition and its quantity and quality, whether it can have positive or negative effects on human ethics and behavior. be In this study, the impact of human ethics and behavior on the quantity, quality, and type of his nutrition has been investigated by examining the verses and traditions mentioned in this regard. The findings of the research are that the quantity and quality of nutrition and the type of nutrition sources are influential in human ethics and behavior and become the basis for the emergence of good or ugly moral and behavioral characteristics in humans; In such a way that it has become the foundation for doing good deeds, immunity from evil temptations and answering human prayers, it has an influence even on the next generations and some moral characteristics are transferred to them through nutrition.


Main Subjects


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