Don'ts of unconventional investments from the perspective of practical ethics based on the interpretative view of Allameh Tabatabai, may God have mercy on him


1 هیئت علمی دانشگاه معارف اسلامی قم

2 Dr. maaref. qom



Today, investment in fields such as currency, automobiles and housing has received the attention and favor of some sections of the society. Considering the many consequences that this type of investment can have, the importance of examining the various legal, economic, jurisprudential and ethical aspects of this type of investment is clear. It has received less attention, the need to explain these dimensions is more important and necessary. The purpose of this article is to examine this type of economic activities, from the point of view of practical ethics and based on the interpretative view of Allameh Tabatabaei Rahe with descriptive and analytical method. The result of the research is that by examining Allameh Tabatabai's moral point of view, it can be said that virtueism, moral consequentialism, hereafter consequentialism, dutifulness and ethics of love are among his meta-ethical foundations and piety, equality, sacrifice, unity and social security are among the components of social ethics. By buying and confiscating currency, housing, and cars and entering liquidity into these markets, the flow of economic transactions and their prosperity is disturbed, and it is an example of the priority of personal interest over collective interests and indifference towards the weak section of the society, which is in conflict with the components of social ethics. Also, entering into this type of investments in terms of moral vices, causes harms such as passion for turmoil and high prices in the economy and happiness at the loss of others.


Main Subjects

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