Elements of practical ethics in the education of the waiting student based on the ideal of Mahdavi city


Assistant Professor, Department of Theological Education, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran



Among the concerns and solutions to strengthen and empower the university system in the Islamic society, is the explanation of the components of practical ethics for the education of a Mahdavi student and in accordance with the ideal of the divine city. Various factors can play a role in realizing the survival and continuation of this issue and help and prepare the academic community for the real crystallization of this goal.In Mahdavi's dream city, the possession of stable, practical, desirable and ideal Islamic morality is one of the few concepts that has been given special attention and emphasis, and it provides the interests and interests of its members and causes the establishment of social order and security and the development of individual and social justice. Believing in the truth of this issue can gather people around its axis and bring them together to achieve a unified goal and give them a single identity, and then strengthen social power and consolidate social connections in the scientific and academic community. this article with a descriptive-analytical method and based on a practical approach, with the aim of showing the possibility of realizing and creating a desirable moral and Islamic society and educating the ideal and necessary Mahdavi student in the field of the social system of the waiting society and the age of absence, to explain the potential and capacity of Mahdavi thought in We have strengthened and consolidated this approach based on the programs and teachings of its divine and spiritual utopia.


Main Subjects



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