Quranic approach to solving the conflicts of the ethics of struggle and resistance in the measure of the teachings of the prophets


1 Iran-Kerman-Rokan Al-Hadi

2 seminaryResearch Institute of Quranic Culture and Education

3 Doctorate graduate of Baqer Uloom University



Throughout history, the ethics of struggle and resistance has played a central role in the pursuit of human rights and values. However, this critical arena has always been accompanied by challenges, one of the most significant being the ethical conflicts that arise within it. Grounded in a descriptive and analytical approach, this research is built upon the hypothesis that by drawing upon the teachings of the prophets, justifiable and ethical solutions to these conflicts can be identified. The findings of this research show that among the most prominent ethical conflicts in the ethics of struggle is the conflict of interests and values. The solution to the conflict between inflexibility towards the enemy and inflicting harm on the struggle front (economic sanctions, character assassination) is to ensure that these actions do not become a pretext for yielding to the enemy. Another conflict in terms of interests is the issue of collecting spoils of war and focusing on strategic objectives, which has been addressed with a focus on divine commands to obey the commander-in-chief. The conflict between fighting against parental idolatry and respecting them is considered as an example of conflicts in values. In this regard, the divine prophets, in the face of a threat from their loved ones, would compassionately invite them to faith without disrespecting them, and otherwise would confront them. Another example is the conflict between preserving life and fighting against injustice. In order to resolve this conflict, according to the teachings of the prophets,


Main Subjects

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