An analysis of the role of socializing in the retraining of social behaviors based on religious teachings; With an emphasis on the model style


Associate Professor of Sociology Department of Imam Khomeini Educational Research Institute



This research, with a theoretical, analytical and documentary approach, deals with a sociological analysis of the role of socializing and living together in the retraining of social behaviors in religious teachings. Based on the theoretical framework of the analysis, in the society, some people coexist with people and groups who have chosen methods that are against the social norms for their behavior. These people learn tricks and biases from them, which is an incentive to perform inappropriate behavior. The findings of the research show that people may hang out with right-handed or right-handed companions, but the intensity, age and amount of contact are important in transmitting the type of behavior (normal or abnormal). In Islam, the role of cohabitation in the formation of a person's personality and behavior determines and influences the cohabitation in an exemplary manner.(modeling, role modeling, and modeling) and family and friends have the most influence in this field; Because every person lives according to the way of his friend and everyone is known as his friend. Therefore, parental supervision moderates children's effectiveness of hanging out with friends.


Main Subjects

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