Modernizing the characteristics of tolerance ethics in the religious debates of Imam Reza .


farhangian un



Friendship and tolerance is one of the most important characteristics of education, especially religious education. Today's young generation (Generation Z and Generation α), who are inundated with deviant thoughts and doubts, especially through virtual space, need new and correct methods of belief and religious education more than ever. By looking at the lives of Imams (a.s.), we can find a similar situation to today's situation at the time of Imam Reza (a.s.) and try to find the right way of religious education by following his example. One thing that can be seen in the biography of Imam Reza (a.s.) is his very useful and efficient debates, which can be mentioned as a perfect example of correct religious education. In this research, we examined the friendship and tolerance index in his debates and tried to adapt his strategies to the existing conditions and present new solutions based on Razavi's life. The most important features of modernizing Imam Reza's religious debates according to the characteristics of the new generation are: freely expressing personal opinions and feelings and willingness to talk, respecting the opinions and rights of other people, being trusted and committed to moral principles


Main Subjects



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