The semantic application of taqwa(piety) and zuhd(asceticism) in the ethical style of a believer's life


Department of Islamic Education Farhangian University Tehran Iran



Piety and asceticism are among the important doctrine of religion. The Holy Quran, by stating that God only accepts the deeds of the pious, has considered the degree of piety as the criterion for the dignity of human beings and has ordered believers to increase their provisions of it. On the other hand, the concept of asceticism has been repeatedly referred to in authentic traditions. Therefore, a correct understanding of the meaning of these two concepts and their relationship with the ethical lifestyle of believers seems necessary; Especially since the beginning of the translation of the Quran until now, many Persian translators have translated the word " taqwa " as " sanctity " and a very small group have translated it as "self-preservation", while these two translations represent two completely different forms of lifestyle, of which only one is consistent with authentic religious teachings. The misconception of the concept of Zuhd(asceticism) has also added to this ambiguity. In this research, we have conducted a precise semantic analysis of these words, examined the impact of these concepts on the ethical lifestyle , and demonstrated the translating “taqwa” to “sanctity” is not in harmony with the doctrine, While taqwa (piety) encompasses self-preservation, aligning with the true concept of asceticism, it also embodies the intended meaning in authentic religious teachings and a dynamic lifestyle. This transforms a faithful individual into a master of self-preservation, a striving and constructive person. Such an individual actively participates in society and enjoys its blessings, yet remains free


Main Subjects



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